Thursday, 25 August 2011

Do you want to be “treated” or “healed”?

All business is looking for a customer and a repeat customer is always the best kind!

When we are ill or develop a disease, the western medical doctor is usually ready and willing to prescribe a pharmaceutical drug that may help alleviate symptoms.  I don’t think any of us wish to be on a drug for months or years, but that would certainly be a great profit potential for Big Pharma wouldn’t it?...making you believe there is no cure but only treatment…long-term treatment.  That may sound fine to you but let’s be clear – do you want to be treated or healed?  What is the difference?

I’ve personally known the difference for some time now but David Hawkins puts it quite eloquently, “The difference between treating and healing is that in the former, the context remains the same, whereas in the latter, the clinical response is elicited by a change of context so as to bring about an absolute removal of the cause of the condition rather than mere recovery from its symptoms.”  He goes on to add…”It’s one thing to prescribe an anti-hypertensive medication for high blood pressure, it’s quite another to expand the patient’s context of life so that he stops being angry and repressive.”

So, knowing that “healing” is the more logical, appropriate and desired choice, why does Big Pharma only offer drug “treatments” (listen carefully for that word in TV drug commercials!).  The answer boils down to TWO reasons…

1.       MONEY

2.       Big Pharma’s products (drugs) are incapable of “healing” – only the body heals itself but it must be given the right tools and/or circumstances

First, let’s talk MONEY.  Remember, a repeat customer is always the best kind!  If you keep your disease but can manage the symptoms, you will likely be a longer-term customer.  The only problem is this…without removal of the cause (healing), the disease may worsen or negative side effects may occur and you may require more drugs or possibly surgery.  Big Pharma and the Western Medical Establishment are counting on that – believe it!  A good surgeon and hospital care do not come cheap these days – MONEY is their main goal.    

Secondly, drugs do not heal – never have and never will.  Only the body heals BUT! must be given the right tools and/or circumstances.  Nutritious foods, rest, exercise, herbs, supplements, detoxification, acupuncture, meditation, chiropractic,  fresh air, sunlight, avoiding stress/toxins/EMF’s , overcoming negative emotions and living a fun, loving and fulfilling life can all be important aspects of prevention and cure (healing).  Remember, what prevents can also cure!  Pharmaceuticals are a short-term (band-aid) solution and in most cases of dis-ease (lack of ease) should only be used as such (if at all!).  

So, in conclusion – being your OWN doctor may be the best solution to healing.  You care about your health more than anyone else – don’t give up control of your body to someone else!  Learn how to live well with some of the methods in the above paragraph so you can avoid the “treatment” trap and keep/get your body healthy and healed!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Don’t fall into the traps of online programs – here’s the reality…

By Michael Alexander

Before consulting for PVA, I’d been around the online block a few times and from my experience, here’s the blunt truth about making money online.   There are 2 ways money is made…

1.   Participate passively in whatever money-making activity the program offers

2.   Market to others creating residuals/commissions from the referral system

In both areas, you have to be very careful.   In the first scenario, you have to be sure that the program is legal, ethical, safe and profitable.  Beyond that, what sort of time, effort and/or learning curve is involved?  If it’s not 100% passive, then exactly what do you have to do on a daily basis to create profit?  Are you giving your money to a 3rd party and hoping/praying to get a return?  Is the business model sustainable?  Is it located in country where regulations or laws could alter outcomes?  There are a handful of countries where some business models may not work or last – such as the good ol’ USA!  

I’ve seen nearly all manner of surf, hyip (ponzi), get-paid-to, mlm, direct marketing, clickbank, advertising scheme and more.  Most people FAIL within a few months with these types of programs due to either their inability to work the program correctly, the program itself being mismanaged/fraudulent or intervention from some outside influence.

The bottom line is this…be VERY careful of programs that are not based on some type of REAL money-making activity.  In addition, control your money where possible and avoid schemes that are too good to be true.  If you’re too busy with other aspects of your life, you may want to consider a program that offers 100% passive opportunities based on REAL and PROVEN wealth generation – such as Prime Ventures Alliance.

The other scenario involves the “Marketers”.  If you’re on someone’s “list”, be very careful to discern whether the marketer is truly out for YOUR BEST INTEREST.  In other words, are they WITH you or FOR you?  Do you want someone who is WITH you that tells you to join something because 100’s or 1000’s of others are and/or they are making a commission, or do you want someone FOR you who wants to see you truly succeed?  If you see a marketer hype something that they themselves just barely got involved with and are saying it sounds wonderful based on their 10 minute analysis, you may want to think twice about your participation. 

My suggestion is quite simple – ask questions.  Ask the Marketer if they have their own money in the program.  That’s important – otherwise how would it be good enough for you to put in your money?  Ask how long they’ve had their money in? – have they taken any out? – have they spoken to or communicated with the operator/manager?  Conducting your OWN due diligence is important.  Remember, joining something with massive hype, often fizzles quickly.  You don’t have to join every program that comes along either and if you market/promote everything, just remember that your reputation is at risk.  People want discernment, due diligence and facts.  Be responsible and provide people with accurate and truthful information about solid and reputable programs – they’ll appreciate you for it.


Thursday, 11 August 2011

What are you teaching your kids about money?

August 10, 2011
Vilnius, Lithuania

I had a little piggy bank when I was kid. It was blue. And ceramic. In fact, I think I broke its nose off at one point and I was really sad about it. Most of all I remember loving the sound that the coins made when I dropped a new one inside.

That unmistakable chink spoke volumes to me. It reinforced my responsible behavior, and it encouraged me to keep saving. This is something I’ve carried with me for my entire life.
Today things are different. Central bankers have proven that conventional savers are mere patsies to be taken advantage of, sheeps to be fleeced..........

Read more at The Sovereign Man