Friday, 14 September 2012

Don't let the lunatic fringe affect your brain!...

The internet can be a crazy place!  

After the shutdown of Zeekrewards (we were never involved in it) and other major to moderate programs that were really just big ponzi's, many people are once again jumping into even more online traps. 

Our advice is BE CAREFUL.  Begin to educate yourself about what to look for in a company or program.  Anything paying a daily % is 99% surely a ponzi scheme of some sort.  You might get away with making money but at the expense of someone else losing.  Plus, the more you play games like this the more likely it is you will lose bigger money at some point.

Be careful of marketers that claim to know something is real, or legal or that they know "this one is going to last".  Some spout integrity and that they are only there to help you.  The reality is they are there to make money from the affiliate system.

Not everything out there is bad, but please do your due diligence and remember that the old adage of "if it's too good to be true..." especially applies on the internet and money-making arena.


Tuesday, 8 May 2012

PVA Launches its 12th Asset Creation Program

We know most of you have been keeping up with all the new announcements and we have to step back and take look at all the great happenings at PVA!  As of today, May 8th, PVA has launched its 12th (exclusive) Asset Creation Program and we're very excited for our members.  It seems like the law of attraction has settled in here and PVA is bringing in some fascinating and proven wealth creation vehicles from around the world (newest one from Germany) that can simply add to the mix of profit producing offerings.

We are continuing to find the best for you - stay tuned for even more great announcements!

PVA Management

Monday, 19 March 2012

PVA - What is our DIFFERENCE?

Have you ever joined an online program, thinking you had all the vital info, but you didn't?  What if one piece of info you didn't know could make all the difference?  

Is the following information important to you when considering an online venture?...

- Who is behind or owns the company
- How income is generated
- Proof of real-money making activity
- Safety of structure and business processes
- Exclusive interviews
- Strategies that can potentially maximize profit
- Direct contact with support & management

If you said yes, then it's important to realize that PVA is not JUST about offering the BEST of the BEST exclusive and non-exclusive Asset Creation programs from around the world - we're also about that extra mile.  With the power of our membership we dig deeper, research harder and use our strengths to provide detailed information that can mean an easier decision making process, higher potential profit and more valuable experience for you.  

That's the PVA difference.

Join us today.

Michael Alexander

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Children's Fluoride pills mixed up with Cancer drug - but what's the REAL STORY HERE?!

CNN is reporting a pharmacy mix-up when children's fluoride prescriptions were instead filled with a cancer drug called Tamoxifin.  Obviously mistakes happen and things could have been worse here I suppose, but is THIS REALLY the story?

My initial reaction was that one poison was being replaced with another poison.  These are dangerous DRUGS.  The story makes it sound like Fluoride is healthy and the Cancer Drug isn't.  The fluoride given to these kids is Sodium Fluoride - a TOXIC CHEMICAL that may actually HARM a child's teeth - not help them.  Studies also now show fluoride of this kind diminishes IQ and has been linked to reduced fertility and lower sperm count.

In addition, thyroid/glandular disruption, neurological problems, melatonin disruption, Alzheimer's disease and cancer are also health issues that can arise from the intake of sodium fluoride.  It seems it's possible the cancer drug may eventually be prescribed if the kids are on the fluoride long enough!  

I encourage you to do your own research on sodium fluoride.  There is a reason that they say to call Poison Control if too much toothpaste is ingested by your child!

Michael Alexander


Monday, 5 March 2012

2012 - INCREDIBLE Opportunity Abounds!

Do you feel like you are involved with TOP, LONG-TERM opportunities that can set you financially free?  If not, consider what we are doing with PVA and some other incredible companies that can help you get there.

This year seem to just be getting better and better with all the amazing online and offline opportunities.  I'm quite thankful and grateful.  It's my wish to share with you all of the abundance available for you.  I believe it's a matter of getting our thoughts right, finding the BEST companies with which to be involved and learn how to marketing them successfully!

I strongly encourage you to join PVA...

Consider joining today and take that step towards the positive change you deserve.


The time is now to commit and make a decision to better your life!

Michael Alexander

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

BAM!!! – 10 Vital concepts for WRITING Great (Ad) Copy

Don’t just communicate – GET YOUR MESSAGE (ad copy) READ!

As usual I was doing 3 things at once but I was listening!  $Million earner David Sharpe from Empower Network talked about these 10 areas of importance…

1.  Write your copy like you talk (don’t sound like a robot – sound like your talking to a friend)

2.  Focus less on grammar and more on “easy reading”

3.  Write in small blocks (don’t write all the way across the page – people’s eyes get tired!)

4.  Sell through a Story (it entertains and engages)

5.  Have an opinion! (people pleasers are broke!)

6.  Have a unique Headline (grab attention)

7.  Have an outlandish opening sentence or statement (that flows with your message)

8.  Forget too many facts – concentrate on the story

9.  Use Bullet Points for the meat & potatoes (easy and quick to get across info)

10.  Make sure to end with a Call to Action (How to buy)

That’s it but it’s all great stuff – I hope you can put it to good use with your business!

Michael Alexander