Thursday, 27 October 2011

The latest from Lindsey on 2012 and beyond...

His past predictions have been incredibly accurate and he's back with more on what may be coming for us all in 2012 - especially from a financial standpoint.  We strongly encourage listening to Lindsey and hear for yourself his recommendations to prepare for the future...

Friday, 7 October 2011

PVA Launches its 10th!


Earlier this week we launched our 10th Asset Creation Program!

Since our inception in February of 2010, we've been steadily researching, testing and adding new offerings and to reach our 10th new program marks a great milestone in the company's history.  The value of the membership has increased dramatically but we're not stopping!  Much more is just around the corner as we continue to offer unique and exclusive wealth generation vehicles from around the world.

We believe that our overall lineup is better than ANYTHING else out there on the internet or otherwise - so we invite you to discover what's inside PVA...become an active member today!  

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Prime Ventures Alliance - Is this the right opportunity for you?

Statistics prove that most people will fail in heavily active (recruiting-based) opportunities like MLM.  As well, many "passive" programs that simply take your money with promises of returns will also end up on the trash heap of scams.  So, what is the right direction for those who would like to create some extra income based on REAL money-making activities?

Well, we can't speak for everyone but, over time, it's been shown that many people seem to enjoy wealth creation that does not require sponsoring hundreds of people.  The truth is, money is created by either people at work or money at work.  If you'd rather have money at work but also like to have personal control of your funds, then we encourage you to take a close look at Prime Ventures Alliance (PVA).  PVA has brought together approximately 10 unique and distinguished "Asset Creation" programs that you can choose from - in many diversified areas from Forex to Sports.

Check them out today!

Since PVA is a Private Club, you must be invited to join.  If you need a referral link, please contact your sponsor or PVA Support (located on the website) to receive one.

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Do you want to be “treated” or “healed”?

All business is looking for a customer and a repeat customer is always the best kind!

When we are ill or develop a disease, the western medical doctor is usually ready and willing to prescribe a pharmaceutical drug that may help alleviate symptoms.  I don’t think any of us wish to be on a drug for months or years, but that would certainly be a great profit potential for Big Pharma wouldn’t it?...making you believe there is no cure but only treatment…long-term treatment.  That may sound fine to you but let’s be clear – do you want to be treated or healed?  What is the difference?

I’ve personally known the difference for some time now but David Hawkins puts it quite eloquently, “The difference between treating and healing is that in the former, the context remains the same, whereas in the latter, the clinical response is elicited by a change of context so as to bring about an absolute removal of the cause of the condition rather than mere recovery from its symptoms.”  He goes on to add…”It’s one thing to prescribe an anti-hypertensive medication for high blood pressure, it’s quite another to expand the patient’s context of life so that he stops being angry and repressive.”

So, knowing that “healing” is the more logical, appropriate and desired choice, why does Big Pharma only offer drug “treatments” (listen carefully for that word in TV drug commercials!).  The answer boils down to TWO reasons…

1.       MONEY

2.       Big Pharma’s products (drugs) are incapable of “healing” – only the body heals itself but it must be given the right tools and/or circumstances

First, let’s talk MONEY.  Remember, a repeat customer is always the best kind!  If you keep your disease but can manage the symptoms, you will likely be a longer-term customer.  The only problem is this…without removal of the cause (healing), the disease may worsen or negative side effects may occur and you may require more drugs or possibly surgery.  Big Pharma and the Western Medical Establishment are counting on that – believe it!  A good surgeon and hospital care do not come cheap these days – MONEY is their main goal.    

Secondly, drugs do not heal – never have and never will.  Only the body heals BUT! must be given the right tools and/or circumstances.  Nutritious foods, rest, exercise, herbs, supplements, detoxification, acupuncture, meditation, chiropractic,  fresh air, sunlight, avoiding stress/toxins/EMF’s , overcoming negative emotions and living a fun, loving and fulfilling life can all be important aspects of prevention and cure (healing).  Remember, what prevents can also cure!  Pharmaceuticals are a short-term (band-aid) solution and in most cases of dis-ease (lack of ease) should only be used as such (if at all!).  

So, in conclusion – being your OWN doctor may be the best solution to healing.  You care about your health more than anyone else – don’t give up control of your body to someone else!  Learn how to live well with some of the methods in the above paragraph so you can avoid the “treatment” trap and keep/get your body healthy and healed!

Monday, 15 August 2011

Don’t fall into the traps of online programs – here’s the reality…

By Michael Alexander

Before consulting for PVA, I’d been around the online block a few times and from my experience, here’s the blunt truth about making money online.   There are 2 ways money is made…

1.   Participate passively in whatever money-making activity the program offers

2.   Market to others creating residuals/commissions from the referral system

In both areas, you have to be very careful.   In the first scenario, you have to be sure that the program is legal, ethical, safe and profitable.  Beyond that, what sort of time, effort and/or learning curve is involved?  If it’s not 100% passive, then exactly what do you have to do on a daily basis to create profit?  Are you giving your money to a 3rd party and hoping/praying to get a return?  Is the business model sustainable?  Is it located in country where regulations or laws could alter outcomes?  There are a handful of countries where some business models may not work or last – such as the good ol’ USA!  

I’ve seen nearly all manner of surf, hyip (ponzi), get-paid-to, mlm, direct marketing, clickbank, advertising scheme and more.  Most people FAIL within a few months with these types of programs due to either their inability to work the program correctly, the program itself being mismanaged/fraudulent or intervention from some outside influence.

The bottom line is this…be VERY careful of programs that are not based on some type of REAL money-making activity.  In addition, control your money where possible and avoid schemes that are too good to be true.  If you’re too busy with other aspects of your life, you may want to consider a program that offers 100% passive opportunities based on REAL and PROVEN wealth generation – such as Prime Ventures Alliance.

The other scenario involves the “Marketers”.  If you’re on someone’s “list”, be very careful to discern whether the marketer is truly out for YOUR BEST INTEREST.  In other words, are they WITH you or FOR you?  Do you want someone who is WITH you that tells you to join something because 100’s or 1000’s of others are and/or they are making a commission, or do you want someone FOR you who wants to see you truly succeed?  If you see a marketer hype something that they themselves just barely got involved with and are saying it sounds wonderful based on their 10 minute analysis, you may want to think twice about your participation. 

My suggestion is quite simple – ask questions.  Ask the Marketer if they have their own money in the program.  That’s important – otherwise how would it be good enough for you to put in your money?  Ask how long they’ve had their money in? – have they taken any out? – have they spoken to or communicated with the operator/manager?  Conducting your OWN due diligence is important.  Remember, joining something with massive hype, often fizzles quickly.  You don’t have to join every program that comes along either and if you market/promote everything, just remember that your reputation is at risk.  People want discernment, due diligence and facts.  Be responsible and provide people with accurate and truthful information about solid and reputable programs – they’ll appreciate you for it.


Thursday, 11 August 2011

What are you teaching your kids about money?

August 10, 2011
Vilnius, Lithuania

I had a little piggy bank when I was kid. It was blue. And ceramic. In fact, I think I broke its nose off at one point and I was really sad about it. Most of all I remember loving the sound that the coins made when I dropped a new one inside.

That unmistakable chink spoke volumes to me. It reinforced my responsible behavior, and it encouraged me to keep saving. This is something I’ve carried with me for my entire life.
Today things are different. Central bankers have proven that conventional savers are mere patsies to be taken advantage of, sheeps to be fleeced..........

Read more at The Sovereign Man 

Wednesday, 13 July 2011

PVA - New Real Estate Offering

PVA has recently posted a new Real Estate program, which adds a new dynamic to its already diverse offerings.  While in many circumstances, owning a real brick and mortar asset is appealing, many have also found it laborious and cumbersome to maintain or manage, therefore the 100% passive nature of PVA's option may be more inviting.  

With more than a decade of 100% success with its products, this company will provide those with the means to enter into a very low risk wealth generation opportunity with longevity.

All active members can view their PVA back office for more information.


Monday, 11 July 2011

78¢ of each $1 to the Cancer Society is spent on getting MORE DONATIONS!

The article above notes that in 2011, 78% of your donation to the Canadian Cancer Society is used for administration and just 22% of your money is actually spent on “research”.  Those who aspire to donate, would likely do so with the expectation that those numbers are reversed and the bulk of their hard-earned cash is going towards finding a cure to this killer.  Obviously this is not the case.  

Lamentably, the real issue is here is two-fold.  Not only is over three-quarters of your money wasted on simply keeping this organization pick-pocketing citizens, it’s also ONLY giving your funds to Big Pharma or its research arms (universities, private companies, etc.).  That’s right…nearly ALL major “disease” charities like the CCS are simply agents for the giant drug monopolies.

You might be thinking, “so what” – even if only 22% of the funds go to research, at least there is SOME research taking place, why shouldn’t they receive the funds?  Here is the simple answer…DRUGS DO NOT CURE DISEASE – never have and never will.  Drugs are designed to suppress bodily functions – that’s all.  Therefore, drugs cannot and will not EVER CURE CANCER.

How can YOU tell the drug companies already KNOW THIS?...Listen to every TV commercial or read any advertisement for a drug – they call it a “TREATMENT” – not a cure.  Big Pharma is ONLY interested in TREATMENTS.  That means they are not interested in you becoming FREE of disease – that would be a bad business plan.  When you are healthy – you are not a customer.  So, treatments are a better long-term strategy.  They prefer you to “live with the disease” so that by taking the drug, you may have some short term benefit BUT never fully progress back to full health.  Additionally, this also offers a slow decline into a further toxic state of your body, since ALL DRUGS HAVE mild to severe negative SIDE EFFECTS.  Therefore, the hope of Big Pharma is that you become a more substantial customer by needing more drugs to combat the side effects from previous prescriptions.

Of course, the cancer treatments themselves are generally WORSE than the disease.  After all these decades of so-called research, the medical community still endorses medieval and toxic treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  These remain the top 3 choices recommended by conventional doctors and in most cases, they DO NOT WORK.  The reason is that NONE of them are designed to remedy the ROOT CAUSE of cancer.  They can destroy cancer cells but also healthy ones in the process.  Patients usually end up dying in pain from the side effects of these treatments but end up as a statistic saying that cancer actually caused the death. 

The conclusion to all of this is both brutal in its nature but amazing in its benefit.  We already have many CURES for cancer, they are simply not discussed in the major media.  The brutality here is the powers that be KNOW about them – they are just not sharing the information.  Please do your own research on Rife, Emotional Techniques, Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Paw Paw, Enzymes, Ozone Therapy, Fasting, Colonics, Probiotics, Nutritional Therapies, Medicinal Mushrooms, Chinese Herbs and Antioxidants.  You can HEAL cancer and it’s done by detoxifying your body and increasing the immunity using the incredible bounty God has given us through nature.  The benefits of understanding the healing properties of natural substances is amazingly powerful.

Next time someone asks you for a donation, ask where your money is going and think hard about what you are promoting.  Next time you find out about someone you love or know with cancer, maybe you’ll be better armed with information to truly help them make a good decision.  Education will be the key to truly make a change in the way cancer is eradicated.

Monday, 20 June 2011

Woman falls prey to The Big Pharma Game - Could You? From 0 to 1000 Pills per MONTH!


I remember when I first learned about the misinformation & disinformation
that regularly spew from Big Pharma, it was quite an eye-opener.  Looking back,
I now realize that was just the tip of the iceberg.  Now, with so much more
evidence and experience, the hidden truth seems so shockingly clear...

The recent article above from CNN is entitled, "Are you taking too many
meds?"  The story highlights Alesandra going to her doctor for anxiety that kept
her up at night and 10 years later ending up on 12 different drugs totaling 1000
pills per month.  The first drug she took caused a negative side effect, which
a 2nd drug was prescribed to alleviate.  The 2nd drug also caused a negative
side effect, resulting in the 3rd prescribed drug - and so on.  Now, you might
think this is uncommon, unusual and a rare case - it's NOT.  Whether your
doctor knows it or not, they are part of the Pharma Game - a game where the
patient (victim) rolls the dice and could very well end up taking any amount
of different drugs shown on those small plastic cubes.


The simple truth is this - drugs are inorganic and you (your body) are organic. 
Meaning, your body is designed to intake and process living natural material
(organic) not lifeless, man-made substances (inorganic).  Therefore, every
drug, which is inorganic, will have some type of negative effect (even if
initially it has some positive effects).  As the story tells, Alesandra initially
felt better and was sleeping well at night but all of a sudden, a few weeks later,
developed bronchitis and lung infections.  The average person would think there
is no correlation, but this is the misunderstanding and illusion that Big Pharma
hides behind through false studies, media spin and outright lies (I'm quite
surprised this CNN article was even printed!).  Many might think it's just their
body and not the drug(s) causing new and/or worse health issues but in fact,
over 50% of people entering a hospital and doing so for "iatrogenic"
(doctor/prescription drug induced) disease.

(More on Iatrogenic Disease)


All business is looking to create (and keep) a customer.  A healthy person
should not need ANY drug to stay well.  Therefore, a "condition" or
"disease" must be created for Big Pharma to make money.  And the
longer they can keep you with that "disease" or create additional ones,
the more money they make.  That is why most doctors, Big Pharma (and
the mainstream media they control) will tell you that there is no "cure"
- only treatment (ongoing treatment).  If you are cured, you would not
make them anymore money!  

So, what is the BIG PICTURE of why and how this is happening?
The WHY is simple:  Control Billions of people and create $Trillions of dollars. 
The general answer as to HOW is also simple: Manipulate and/or control the
decision making abilities (through education, information & media) and
product/service purchases/needs (food, prescription drugs, therapies) of
people from virtually birth to death.  Now, this could only be accomplished
if you had nearly full control or influence in all these areas - Government,
Schools/Universities, Media (books, magazines, newspapers, television
etc.), Food companies and the Pharmaceutical industry. The hidden truth is
this...there is one particular ELITE family that DOES control and/or manipulate
ALL these areas - the robber barons known as the Rockefeller family

Family patriarch John D. Rockefeller was once quoted saying, "competition
is a sin" and considering what they control now, it's obvious they believe it.
Let's take just a couple of areas under their vast control - food and drugs...
Through Multi-National Corporations, Trusts and Foundations, they have
interlocks with food companies such as General Foods and Nabisco which
are interlocked with Kraft and Philip Morris (the cigarette company).  In
addition they have interlocks with major pharmaceutical titans Eli Lily and
Warner-Lambert (Pfizer).  So, think rationally for one moment... you have
some of the largest  worldwide producers of harmful and addictive food
products (cookies, pastries, chips, crackers, candy, chocolate etc.) and
cigarettes connected with the major pharmaceutical companies
that produce drugs for the health issues CAUSED by the products their
sister companies created!  Drugs for weight loss, quitting smoking,
anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc.  Can you
see any conflict here?!!!  Can you see how this might flow together?
Even the petro-chemicals used to make the pharma drugs come
from the oil produced by Rockefeller controlled companies
such as ExxonMobil.

More on the Rockefeller Family:  Part 1

The foods produced by most of these MAJOR Multi-Nationals
are purposely made to create sickness by multiple means
(GMO's, depleted soil, high sugar/salt content, trans-fats, additives,
colorings, preservatives, irradiation, microwaving, pasteurizing, synthetic
chemicals such as aspartame).  It should be briefly noted that some of the
other ways you are slowly poisoned by them are:  chlorine and fluoride in
the water, vaccinations, x-rays, chem-trails, sunblock products, cosmetics
and engineered viruses/bacteria.  Health damage from short & long term
exposure from one or more of these usually induces (they hope) some
type of "dis-ease" (lack of ease) and a doctor visit, which normally results
in a "pill" of some kind being prescribed, which in most cases will result
in either dependency/addiction to that drug and/or negative side effects
that will require a new drug.

The finality after many years or decades of taking the drug(s) is, in
most cases, a degenerative disease (caused by slow poisoning from
these drugs and not positively altering diet and lifestyle) such as
cancer, where expensive surgery and/or painful/harsh treatments like
chemotherapy/radiation are needed, which can cost $$$hundreds
of thousands of dollars and may or may not work.  Most of the time
the treatments cause death, not the cancer itself.  So, the person is
dead and the Multi-National Food Companies/ Big Oil/Big Pharma
(or more plainly stated, the Rockefeller Family) have made incredible
sums of money over the person's lifetime by their entrance into this

Wanna play?

After 10 years, Alesandra didn't - she found out that her anxiety
was simply a B-12 deficiency.  She was taking 1000 pills per month
when the real issue was simply the lack of a common vitamin!!!

If you don't want to play the game either, then make sure you are
taking daily responsibility for your health and research natural ways
to heal your body - there are SO MANY wonderful ways that nature
has given us to get well and stay well with ONLY positive side effects!

The NEW Prime Ventures Alliance Blog

Welcome to PVA's Blog!

As we grow worldwide, we'd like to further enhance our message by sharing what we feel are some beneficial concepts, programs and articles that may increase your prosperity and well-being.  There are some things that aren't a perfect fit for PVA's Asset Creation section or our weekly newsletter - so you may find them here. 

We should make a disclaimer that some of the information will be "opinion" only but will reflect what we feel will be in the best interest of our readers.  If you have something you'd like to share with everyone, please contact us through PVA Support or this blog.

Our intention is to add information to this blog every week so keep checking back for updates.

Make a great day!

PVA Management