Monday, 11 July 2011

78¢ of each $1 to the Cancer Society is spent on getting MORE DONATIONS!

The article above notes that in 2011, 78% of your donation to the Canadian Cancer Society is used for administration and just 22% of your money is actually spent on “research”.  Those who aspire to donate, would likely do so with the expectation that those numbers are reversed and the bulk of their hard-earned cash is going towards finding a cure to this killer.  Obviously this is not the case.  

Lamentably, the real issue is here is two-fold.  Not only is over three-quarters of your money wasted on simply keeping this organization pick-pocketing citizens, it’s also ONLY giving your funds to Big Pharma or its research arms (universities, private companies, etc.).  That’s right…nearly ALL major “disease” charities like the CCS are simply agents for the giant drug monopolies.

You might be thinking, “so what” – even if only 22% of the funds go to research, at least there is SOME research taking place, why shouldn’t they receive the funds?  Here is the simple answer…DRUGS DO NOT CURE DISEASE – never have and never will.  Drugs are designed to suppress bodily functions – that’s all.  Therefore, drugs cannot and will not EVER CURE CANCER.

How can YOU tell the drug companies already KNOW THIS?...Listen to every TV commercial or read any advertisement for a drug – they call it a “TREATMENT” – not a cure.  Big Pharma is ONLY interested in TREATMENTS.  That means they are not interested in you becoming FREE of disease – that would be a bad business plan.  When you are healthy – you are not a customer.  So, treatments are a better long-term strategy.  They prefer you to “live with the disease” so that by taking the drug, you may have some short term benefit BUT never fully progress back to full health.  Additionally, this also offers a slow decline into a further toxic state of your body, since ALL DRUGS HAVE mild to severe negative SIDE EFFECTS.  Therefore, the hope of Big Pharma is that you become a more substantial customer by needing more drugs to combat the side effects from previous prescriptions.

Of course, the cancer treatments themselves are generally WORSE than the disease.  After all these decades of so-called research, the medical community still endorses medieval and toxic treatments such as chemotherapy, radiation and surgery.  These remain the top 3 choices recommended by conventional doctors and in most cases, they DO NOT WORK.  The reason is that NONE of them are designed to remedy the ROOT CAUSE of cancer.  They can destroy cancer cells but also healthy ones in the process.  Patients usually end up dying in pain from the side effects of these treatments but end up as a statistic saying that cancer actually caused the death. 

The conclusion to all of this is both brutal in its nature but amazing in its benefit.  We already have many CURES for cancer, they are simply not discussed in the major media.  The brutality here is the powers that be KNOW about them – they are just not sharing the information.  Please do your own research on Rife, Emotional Techniques, Food-Grade Hydrogen Peroxide, Paw Paw, Enzymes, Ozone Therapy, Fasting, Colonics, Probiotics, Nutritional Therapies, Medicinal Mushrooms, Chinese Herbs and Antioxidants.  You can HEAL cancer and it’s done by detoxifying your body and increasing the immunity using the incredible bounty God has given us through nature.  The benefits of understanding the healing properties of natural substances is amazingly powerful.

Next time someone asks you for a donation, ask where your money is going and think hard about what you are promoting.  Next time you find out about someone you love or know with cancer, maybe you’ll be better armed with information to truly help them make a good decision.  Education will be the key to truly make a change in the way cancer is eradicated.

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