Monday, 20 June 2011
Woman falls prey to The Big Pharma Game - Could You? From 0 to 1000 Pills per MONTH!
I remember when I first learned about the misinformation & disinformation
that regularly spew from Big Pharma, it was quite an eye-opener. Looking back,
I now realize that was just the tip of the iceberg. Now, with so much more
evidence and experience, the hidden truth seems so shockingly clear...
The recent article above from CNN is entitled, "Are you taking too many
meds?" The story highlights Alesandra going to her doctor for anxiety that kept
her up at night and 10 years later ending up on 12 different drugs totaling 1000
pills per month. The first drug she took caused a negative side effect, which
a 2nd drug was prescribed to alleviate. The 2nd drug also caused a negative
side effect, resulting in the 3rd prescribed drug - and so on. Now, you might
think this is uncommon, unusual and a rare case - it's NOT. Whether your
doctor knows it or not, they are part of the Pharma Game - a game where the
patient (victim) rolls the dice and could very well end up taking any amount
of different drugs shown on those small plastic cubes.
The simple truth is this - drugs are inorganic and you (your body) are organic.
Meaning, your body is designed to intake and process living natural material
(organic) not lifeless, man-made substances (inorganic). Therefore, every
drug, which is inorganic, will have some type of negative effect (even if
initially it has some positive effects). As the story tells, Alesandra initially
felt better and was sleeping well at night but all of a sudden, a few weeks later,
developed bronchitis and lung infections. The average person would think there
is no correlation, but this is the misunderstanding and illusion that Big Pharma
hides behind through false studies, media spin and outright lies (I'm quite
surprised this CNN article was even printed!). Many might think it's just their
body and not the drug(s) causing new and/or worse health issues but in fact,
over 50% of people entering a hospital and doing so for "iatrogenic"
(doctor/prescription drug induced) disease.
(More on Iatrogenic Disease)
All business is looking to create (and keep) a customer. A healthy person
should not need ANY drug to stay well. Therefore, a "condition" or
"disease" must be created for Big Pharma to make money. And the
longer they can keep you with that "disease" or create additional ones,
the more money they make. That is why most doctors, Big Pharma (and
the mainstream media they control) will tell you that there is no "cure"
- only treatment (ongoing treatment). If you are cured, you would not
make them anymore money!
So, what is the BIG PICTURE of why and how this is happening?
The WHY is simple: Control Billions of people and create $Trillions of dollars.
The general answer as to HOW is also simple: Manipulate and/or control the
decision making abilities (through education, information & media) and
product/service purchases/needs (food, prescription drugs, therapies) of
people from virtually birth to death. Now, this could only be accomplished
if you had nearly full control or influence in all these areas - Government,
Schools/Universities, Media (books, magazines, newspapers, television
etc.), Food companies and the Pharmaceutical industry. The hidden truth is
this...there is one particular ELITE family that DOES control and/or manipulate
ALL these areas - the robber barons known as the Rockefeller family.
Family patriarch John D. Rockefeller was once quoted saying, "competition
is a sin" and considering what they control now, it's obvious they believe it.
Let's take just a couple of areas under their vast control - food and drugs...
Through Multi-National Corporations, Trusts and Foundations, they have
interlocks with food companies such as General Foods and Nabisco which
are interlocked with Kraft and Philip Morris (the cigarette company). In
addition they have interlocks with major pharmaceutical titans Eli Lily and
Warner-Lambert (Pfizer). So, think rationally for one moment... you have
some of the largest worldwide producers of harmful and addictive food
products (cookies, pastries, chips, crackers, candy, chocolate etc.) and
cigarettes connected with the major pharmaceutical companies
that produce drugs for the health issues CAUSED by the products their
sister companies created! Drugs for weight loss, quitting smoking,
anxiety, depression, diabetes, heart disease, cancer etc. Can you
see any conflict here?!!! Can you see how this might flow together?
Even the petro-chemicals used to make the pharma drugs come
from the oil produced by Rockefeller controlled companies
such as ExxonMobil.
More on the Rockefeller Family: Part 1
The foods produced by most of these MAJOR Multi-Nationals
are purposely made to create sickness by multiple means
(GMO's, depleted soil, high sugar/salt content, trans-fats, additives,
colorings, preservatives, irradiation, microwaving, pasteurizing, synthetic
chemicals such as aspartame). It should be briefly noted that some of the
other ways you are slowly poisoned by them are: chlorine and fluoride in
the water, vaccinations, x-rays, chem-trails, sunblock products, cosmetics
and engineered viruses/bacteria. Health damage from short & long term
exposure from one or more of these usually induces (they hope) some
type of "dis-ease" (lack of ease) and a doctor visit, which normally results
in a "pill" of some kind being prescribed, which in most cases will result
in either dependency/addiction to that drug and/or negative side effects
that will require a new drug.
The finality after many years or decades of taking the drug(s) is, in
most cases, a degenerative disease (caused by slow poisoning from
these drugs and not positively altering diet and lifestyle) such as
cancer, where expensive surgery and/or painful/harsh treatments like
chemotherapy/radiation are needed, which can cost $$$hundreds
of thousands of dollars and may or may not work. Most of the time
the treatments cause death, not the cancer itself. So, the person is
dead and the Multi-National Food Companies/ Big Oil/Big Pharma
(or more plainly stated, the Rockefeller Family) have made incredible
sums of money over the person's lifetime by their entrance into this
Wanna play?
After 10 years, Alesandra didn't - she found out that her anxiety
was simply a B-12 deficiency. She was taking 1000 pills per month
when the real issue was simply the lack of a common vitamin!!!
If you don't want to play the game either, then make sure you are
taking daily responsibility for your health and research natural ways
to heal your body - there are SO MANY wonderful ways that nature
has given us to get well and stay well with ONLY positive side effects!
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